Compliance Institute celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2022


On 22nd November 2002, in the offices of Irish Life in Abbey Street, around 80 financial services professionals gathered. At that meeting, these professionals had one characteristic in common – they had responsibility in their firms for compliance. Those who organised the meeting that night had a vision of providing a network for compliance professionals and a framework for upskilling for this emerging discipline. This was the beginning of what became known as the Association of Compliance Officers in Ireland (ACOI), now known as Compliance Institute. 20 years later, Compliance Institute is the premier provider of compliance education in Ireland and is the largest organisation of its kind globally, with over 3,250 members.


2022 included a year-long celebration and we hope that you all got the chance to celebrate with us.  

20th Anniversary Events:

Compliance Institute & IOB Celebratory Event


Details: One of the core pillars of the mission of the Compliance Institute is to educate its members to ensure they have the skills required to undertake their roles in a professional and effective manner. From the beginning, 20 years ago, the Compliance Institute’s partner in the delivery of its programme of education has been the IOB.  We were delighted to celebrate this milestone with the IOB at this event.

Compliance Institute & IOB Celebratory Event


Details: Compliance Institute held a special 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner on the 26th of May 2022, an evening to celebrate two decades of our work in the compliance community across Ireland and abroad. This fun filled evening took place in one of Ireland’s premier events venues, the Round Room at the Mansion House. 

Compliance Institute Presidents 2002 - 2022

Compliance Institute has been led by 10 Presidents over the past 20 years. In that time the profession has established itself, progressed through the Celtic Tiger, the global financial crisis, recovery, crises of culture with various scandals, and a global pandemic.


As part of our 20th Anniversary Celebrations, we spoke with the former presidents of the Institute about what the Institute means to them and any advice they would have for current or aspiring compliance professionals. Here is what they had to say: Watch now.

Other 20th Anniversary Celebratory Activities:

Table Quiz:


A table quiz social event was held on the 22nd September 2022 to bring together all those involved in the various fields of compliance and celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Institute.

20th Anniversary Special ICQ edition:


A special edition of our ICQ Magazine including highlights of the past 20 years of the institute. 

20th Anniversary Special Podcast Series: 


Special episodes of our Compliance Files podcast series were released with  contributors and champions of Compliance Institute over the last 20 years.