The Compliance Files 

In a quickly evolving regulatory landscape with new legislation, regulations, codes and enforcements constantly being developed and entering into force, getting and staying up to speed on the latest compliance developments requires a significant investment of your time and effort.

Whether you are a student, a compliance professional, a head of compliance, a regulator or board member, the Compliance Institute’s Compliance Files podcast series will support you in keeping up to date on all the latest industry changes and talking points in a format that is convenient to you. Listen to the Compliance Files now!

Season 5

Episode 6 – Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D)

In this week’s episode, Kathy Jacobs, former President of Compliance Institute speaks with Greta Koch, Policy adviser and press officer to Axel Voss, MEP, European Parliament on the latest addition to Sustainability Regulation the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D).

In this week’s episode, Greta describes how she became an advisor to Axel Voss in the European Parliament and her role. Greta explains where her interest in sustainability started. Greta discusses why the EU considered that an EU-wide supply chain due diligence legislation is required and what the process was for bringing the CS3D from a Proposal through to final approval. Greta explains what the changes were and why they were made and what the main provisions and the timelines of the CS3D are. Greta outlines what she anticipates will be the major challenges in the roll-out and implementation of CS3D across the EU and what she thinks will be the major challenges for in-scope organisations.





Episode 5 –  The Value of Privacy above and beyond Data Protection 

In this week’s episode, Kathy Jacobs, former President of Compliance Institute speaks with Dr Valerie Lyons, Chief Operating Officer of BH consulting on the Value of Privacy above and beyond Data Protection.

Valerie describes her own journey in Privacy and what inspired her and Todd Fitzgerald to write The Privacy Compass and also outlines what readers can expect from the book. Valerie explains what the McKinsey 7-S Framework is, and why and how she utilised it in her Privacy Compass. Valerie explains ‘Strategy’s’ place in the 7S Privacy Compass and what good looks like. Valerie discusses ethics in privacy and describes what an ethical approach to privacy looks like. Turning to ESG, Valerie discusses in her book privacy as part of ESG – ‘ESGp’; Valerie explains this term and privacy’s place in ESG. Valerie discusses the three top skills required of a privacy leader.  Finally, Valerie provides her thoughts on the future for privacy – what the threats, challenges and also the opportunities are in privacy.





Episode 4 – Purposeful Leadership

In this week’s episode, Kathy Jacobs, former President of Compliance Institute speaks with Maeve Monaghan, CEO, NOW Group on the topic of Purposeful Leadership.

In this episode, Maeve take us through her career, up to her leadership of the NOW Group and  describes the values that she seeks to live as a leader. Maeve outlines what the NOW Group is and it's mission. Maeve delves into what purpose means to her and why it is important. Maeve outlines what her personal purpose is and the purpose of NOW Group is. Maeve describes how she brings her purpose to life in the NOW Group and how this helps with engagement with stakeholders. Maeve also goes through the publication of NOW Group’s social impact on their website and describes the importance of an organisation highlighting its social impact.





Episode 3 – Payments Regulation

In this week's episode, Kathy Jacobs, former President of Compliance Institute speaks with Jessica Ramos, Head of Regulatory Oversight and Financial Affairs, EBA Clearing, to discuss the state of payments regulation in the EU today.

In this episode, Jessica describes who EBA Clearing are and her role within the company. Jessica advises why she works in the payments industry and what she enjoys about the industry. Jessica outlines the current challenges and opportunities in payments and what role regulation plays in payments. Jessica paints a picture of the current payments EU regulation landscape and what challenges regulation has brought to the payments industry and the industry has responded. Jessica describes the role the customer plays in shaping the agenda for payments and what she sees the future holding for the industry.





Episode 2 – CBI Authorisations Process

In this week’s episode of the Compliance Files Podcast series, Kathy Jacobs, former President, Compliance Institute speaks with Russell Burke, Regulatory and Strategic Payments Consultant, Juristic Ltd in relation to the Central Bank of Ireland’s Authorisation Process and how to navigate this process efficiently and to secure that Authorisation.

In this episode, Russell outlines who needs an Authorisation and discusses the legal framework underpinning the Authorisations process. Russell also describes the common mistakes made by firms in making their application and the implications / consequences of these errors are. Russell advises how firms can set themselves up for success in this process. Russell explains if he foresees any changes to the Authorisation process and what developments he anticipates.




Episode 1 – The Lexicon of ESG

In this week’s episode of the Compliance Files Podcast series, Kathy Jacobs, former President, Compliance Institute speaks with Ann Shiels, founder of sustainable finance regulatory firm, FinLexSus and Ann is also the Program Director for the Professional Diploma in Sustainable Finance for Compliance Professionals which is delivered by the Compliance Institute's education partner, IOB, a recognised college of UCD

In this episode, we revisit a familiar topic, and that is ESG / Sustainability. There is a language and vocabulary growing up around sustainability. So in this episode, Ann takes a helicopter view by doing a stocktake on the regulation, and Ann explains some of the terms and acronyms to come to an understanding of the current position, and Ann advises how our listeners can try to keep abreast of developments in ESG. Kathy also outlines what a sustainability Compliance Framework look like. Since the podcast was recorded, the CSDDD has been endorsed by the European Council in March 2024. 




Season 4

Episode 11 – International Womens Day – Inspiring Inclusion Part 2

In this week's episode, Jacquie Ryan, Program Manager, PAT Business School and member of the Institute’s D&I Committee speaks with Claudette Whyte, Council Member and Chair of the Institute's D&I Committee on the Gender Pay Gap, Imposter Syndrome, her career journey, her mentorship journey and how she achieves a work life balance.

Jacquie also speaks with Peter Hession, Chief Risk Officer (CRO), TransferMate Global Payments on his experience of advocating for gender diversity and inclusion in the workplace, what has motivated him to become an ally. Peter and Claudette also discuss their allyship experiences, mentorship experiences and also what initiatives organisations can do to become more diverse and inclusive.




Episode 10 – International Women's Day – Inspire Inclusion Part 1

In advance of International Women’s Day on Friday 8th March, Jacquie Ryan, Program Manager, PAT Business School and member of the Institute’s D&I Committee speaks with Maria Walsh, Member of the European Parliament for Midlands-North-West Constituency - Fine Gael & EPP Group.

On this week’s episode Maria discusses, the Gender Pay Gap, outlines financial security and STEM advances for women as mentioned in the EU Parliament Podcast, Pink Tax, the work being done on cyber-crime and effects on cyber-crime on women. Looking at Maria’s role in politics, Maria outlines how we can encourage women to work in politics or to seek leadership positions and gives advise on achieving a work life balance.

Episode 9 – Individual Accountability Framework (IAF) – Learnings from Implementation So Far - Part 2

On this week’s episode of the Compliance Files Podcast series, Kathy Jacobs, former President, Compliance Institute speaks with Azariah Nukajam, Associate Director, fscom in relation to the current position in Ireland and describes the main themes or challenges encountered by her clients.

Looking at the Consultation Papers, CPs 153 and 154, Azariah takes the Duty of Responsibility and outlines what this means, and how you would go about implementing it in practice. Azariah describes the challenges where a firms business model relies on outsourcing and gives her advice to anyone struggling with implementation at this point. Azariah also details in her view, what the future for these regimes looks like.

fscom IAF Report 2023

fscom Ireland: Individual Accountability Framework – Applicability to regulated firms. This article draws on a variety of jurisdictions that have implemented a similar regime, to provide insight into what the Irish financial services industry can expect, but also to provide guidance on how best to prepare for the IAF regime.

Episode 8: Individual Accountability Framework (IAF) – Learnings from Implementation So Far - Part 1

On this week’s episode of the Compliance Files Podcast series, Kathy Jacobs, former President, Compliance Institute speaks with Azariah Nukajam, Associate Director, fscom to discuss what we can learn from the international accountability regimes.

In this episode Azariah outlines where we are now in the process of rolling out the IAF regime and describes where in-scope institutions should be at this stage. Azariah then turns to the international perspective and outlines where  accountability regimes have been implemented, and talks us through a couple of theses regimes. Azariah advises how these regimes have been regarded by industry in these jurisdictions and in her view what has been a successful regime.

Azariah then discusses what enforcement she has seen in other jurisdictions and what firms can learn from the international roll out and experience.



Episode 7 – AI and Ethics

In today’s episode of the Compliance Files podcast series, Kathy Jacobs, former President, Compliance Institute speaks with Rachel Finn, Director, Data Protection and Cyber-risk Services at Trilateral Research Ltd and Zachary Goldberg, Ethics Innovation Manager at Trilateral Research Ltd on the topic of AI and Ethics.

In this podcast they define AI, what the risks, threats and benefits are. They take us through where we are at with AI regulation and in the absence of AI regulation what role does ethics play. They outline the ethical dilemmas someone designing an AI solution face could come across and they take us through how to go about making an ethical decision in relation to AI in a financial services context. They also look forward and describe the developments will we see in AI in financial services and in AI regulation.



Episode 6 – Careers in Fintech

In today’s episode, Siobhain Ivers, Senior Director, Deputy Chief Compliance Officer, Etsy and Chair of Compliance Institute’s Fintech and Payments Working Group speaks with Michelle McGuire, Head of Risk and Compliance, valid8Me, and Greg James, Senior Manager, fscom and Member of Compliance Institute’s Fintech and Payments Working Group on Careers in Fintech.

In this podcast they outline what drew them to a career in Fintech and what advice they have for anyone thinking about breaking into a career in Fintech. They discuss what kind of qualifications help you in a Fintech career and the benefits of ongoing professional education and speak about their own educational journey. They also delve into the advantages and disadvantages of a career in Fintech and the advantages of Networking and offer practical advice for networking.

They also describe who has influenced their careers, the challenges that the industry is facing in the next 12-24 months and what is the best career advice that they have received.



Episode 5: The Importance of ESG in Financial Services

In today’s episode, Kathy Jacobs, former President of Compliance Institute speaks with Andrew Murphy, Co-Founder of Coopman Search & Selection on the importance of ESG in Financial Services.

Andrew outlines the ESG opportunities for financial services firms and how firms can realise their full potential of the ESG agenda. Andrews describes how important training and education is in ESG for professionals working in financial services and provides insights into what is happening in the market in relation to ESG career opportunities. Andrews talk to us about the role of the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) - what is it and where it sits in an organisation.

Andrew explains how firms can further demonstrate that they are embracing sustainability and embedding the obligations. Andrew also looks to the future and advise what he sees as the evolving role of the compliance professional in ESG and indeed the evolving role of the sustainability team and CSO. Andrew also describes how Coopman as a BCorp Certified Company is committed to using business as a force for good, advocating for companies to begin their B-Corp journey, so they too may ensure that they meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability.




Episode 4: Outsourcing Part 2

In today's episode, host Kathy Jacobs, former President of Compliance Institute speaks with Barry Rojack, Head of Regulatory Compliance and Risk (Banking) SalesSense International to discuss Outsourcing from the view of an outsourcer providing support to regulated banks and financial services entities.

Barry outlines his career journey at the Central Bank of Ireland and regulated firms and the challenges and the similarities and differences in working in a regulated environment and in an Outsourced Service Provider (OSP). Barry delves into what the drivers of outsourcing to an OSP are, and what compliance, conduct and risk concerns can arise and also describes what factors regulated financial services providers should take into account when choosing a provider for their outsourced services. Barry defines what a successful OSP relationship looks likes and how firms can successfully address issues in the relationship. Barry provides his insights into the importance of ESG in the OSP value chain and what he sees as the main developments in the short to medium term in outsourcing.



Episode 3: Outsourcing Part 1

In today's episode, host Kathy Jacobs, former President of Compliance Institute speaks with Seán O’Driscoll, Associate Director, Risk Management and Internal Audit, Financial Services Advisory at Grant Thornton Ireland on the topic of Outsourcing and its associated risks.

In this episode, Seán defines what outsourcing is and how does it differs from other third party relationships. Seán also takes us through the typical lifecycle of an outsourcing arrangement and the various regulator’s evolving concerns and responses. Seán outlines the current regulatory framework for outsourcing. Seán describes the key risks that outsourcing presents and advises how important risk assessments are in managing outsourcing risk and the main challenges in managing outsourcing risk. Seán provides an insight into is the role of the Board in outsourcing and what developments to look out for in the short to medium term in outsourcing and describes the main themes and takeaways for Compliance Professionals overseeing outsourcing regulatory risk in their firm.



Episode 2: DORA Part 2

In today’s episode, host Kathy Jacobs, former President of Compliance Institute speaks with Will Finn Senior Manager, fscom on the topic of Operational Resilience.

Operational Resilience is placing obligations on firms to be prepared for disruptive events in order to recover quickly and reduce harm to customers and the market.  Will outlines why regulators are focusing on Operational Resilience now and gives advice on what Financial Services firms have to do and describes and takes us through the steps of what an Operational Resilience programme is.



Episode 1: DORA Part 1

In today’s episode, host Kathy Jacobs, former President of Compliance Institute speaks with Chris Martin, Of Counsel, Financial Regulation and Compliance, A&L Goodbody and Chair of Compliance Institute’s Central Steering Committee on the topic of DORA and Chris gives us an understanding about the regulatory framework around operational and IT resilience.

Chris outlines the backdrop to regulating for IT and operational resilience and provides an overview of how the regulation has developed and sets out the current legal framework. Chris also advises if the Central Bank has conducted any inspections or other regulatory or supervisory interventions and what have we learned from enforcement action in this area. Chris takes us through the sanctions that are at the regulators disposal and also looks to the future and what developments we can expect in the short to medium term.

Season 3

Episode 20: Individual Accountability Framework (IAF)

In today’s episode of the Compliance Files podcast series, the Institute’s President, Diarmuid Whyte speaks with Louise Hogan, member of the Institute's IAF and Fintech and Payments working groups and Sarah Geraghty, member of the Institute’s IAF and Pensions working groups to discuss the Individual Accountability Framework (IAF) in general terms whilst also touching on some of the key aspects of the Compliance Institute’s response to the IAF Consultation Paper.

In this podcast they outline the benefits of IAF and provide their thoughts on whether it will lead to positive cultural change. They also outline the steps firms should be taking now, identify potential challenges associated with IAF implementation and advise how we can demonstrate clarity over responsibilities.

Episode 19: GDPR 5th Year Anniversary

To mark the 5th Year anniversary of the implementation of GDPR, Steven Roberts, Vice-Chair of the Compliance Institute’s Data Protection & Information Security Working Group speaks with MB Donnelly, Deputy Commissioner at the Irish Data Protection Commission, as Head of Strategy, Finance and Governance to discuss GDPR from it’s initial implementation to today and what is next for GDPR.

In this episode, MB discusses the main benefits of GDPR and her view as to whether companies’ approach to GDPR has changed over the last five years. MB also provides insights into the DPC’s own supervisory approach, the DPC’s Regulatory strategy and outlines some of the key changes within the DPC over the last five years. MB also offers insights into how she see’s Regulation evolving over the next five years.

Episode 18: Procurement

In this episode, host Kathy Jacobs speaks with Rachel Dolan, Head of Procurement and Supplier Relationship Management, Permanent TSB.

Rachel describes the value add of procurement and how procurement supports organisations to achieve its strategic objectives. Rachel highlights the importance of an effective relationship between Procurement and Compliance teams.

Rachel also delves into what role procurement will play in ensuring organisations successfully achieve their ESG objectives and discusses upcoming developments over the short and medium term for procurement and regulation.

Episode 17: The Importance of Networking

In this episode, host Kathy Jacobs speaks with Fiona Flynn, Founder of Montauk Consulting and President, PWN Dublin on the topic of the Importance of Networking.

Fiona discusses why networking is important to your career development and success, examines if networking is a talent or skill, and how you can become an effective networker. Fiona also gives advice on how to go about building and growing a strong personal network and how leaders utilise their networks. Fiona also provides her top tips on networking.

Episode 16: Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Insights

In this episode, host Kathy Jacobs speaks with Niall Esler, Partner and Head of the Regulatory Group, Walkers and Shane Martin, Partner and Regulatory Compliance & Data Privacy Lawyer, Walkers on the topic of Anti-Money Laundering (AML).

During this episode Niall and Shane provide insights relating to governance and examine the challenges for firms when outsourcing elements of their AML functions. They also outline how firms approach to business risk assessments has evolved in recent years. Niall and Shane discuss some of the key recent and upcoming developments in AML including the introduction of AMLA, and what sort of impact that we might see with the introduction of AMLA as regards supervision of firms, the single rule-book and trends in enforcement.

Episode 15: Culture

A key role of the Irish Banking Culture Board (IBCB) is to measure progress and cultural change in their member banks. Their goal is to act as a transformative influence on culture within the banking sector. In this episode, host Kathy Jacobs speaks with Marion Kelly, CEO of the IBCB on the importance of Culture in the Financial Services industry.  

Tune in to hear Marion's insights on what culture means in the context of Financial Services, the challenges of driving cultural change, and the role of the Irish Banking Culture Board in promoting positive cultural practices within the industry. Marian also examines the impact of the Individual Accountability Regime on culture within Financial Services and outlines where culture fits within the ESG agenda.

Episode 14: Central Bank's 2023 Priorities

In this episode the Central Bank of Ireland Deputy Governor, Sharon Donnery provides valuable insights into the Central Bank’s 2023 priorities. Sharon reflects on how the Central Bank’s and industry’s responses in the last number of years has positioned us as we face the new challenges of 2023 and outlines the challenges that leaders in Financial Services face in charting a course through the uncertainty and complexity of the global economic outlook.

Sharon also elaborates on the six principles of the Central Bank’s regulation in order to support positive outcomes and outlines the main challenges that the Central Bank faces when dealing with innovative firms looking to establish here. Plus, gives an overview of what the Central Bank expects firms to be doing now, to address their climate risk exposure.

Following, the enactment of the IAF Bill 2022 on 9th March, and the Central Bank launching on 13th March its three-month consultation on key aspects of implementation of the IAF, Sharon outlines the Central Banks hopes for how the Individual Accountability Regime will improve standards in Financial Services firms.

Episode 13: Conduct and Culture

Creating an effective culture will help to drive behaviour, build customer and investor trust, and support operational excellence and growth; having the right culture is essential for achieving good conduct performance.

In this episode, we are joined by two experts in the field of compliance and conduct risk, Mark Satterthwaite, Chief Compliance Officer at Citibank Europe and Paul Quinlan, EMEA Head of Conduct Risk ICRM at Citibank Europe to discuss the topic of Conduct and Culture.

We explore the importance of conduct and culture, the challenges and opportunities of defining and implementing good conduct and culture practices within organisations. We examine how to measure if conduct and culture is working within an organisation and to what extent has the regulatory focus shifted from conduct and culture.

Episode 12: Internal Audit

In this episode of the Compliance Files Podcast, we delve into the role of Internal Audit and how it interacts with Compliance. Anlo Taylor, a Partner in Deloitte Risk Advisory with over 15 years of experience in internal auditing, controls assurance and external auditing gained through her time in industry and practice discusses the complexities of compliance regulations and their impact on businesses. Anlo shares her expertise on the role of Internal Audit and the importance of compliance in the industry. Together, we examine how Compliance and Internal Audit can help senior leaders understand how well their business is meeting important regulatory expectations.

Tune in and learn how to navigate the complex landscape of compliance and internal auditing and stay up to date with the latest trends in this field. Thank you for tuning in to the Compliance Files Podcast.


Episode 11: Competition Law for Compliance Professionals

In this episode, Kathy Jacobs speaks with Philip Andrews, the Head of McCann FitzGerald's Competition, Regulated Markets, and EU Law Group. As a seasoned practitioner in EU and Competition Law, Philip offers valuable insights into the complexities of competition regulations and their impact on businesses.

Philip shares his expertise on regulated markets and discusses the latest developments in Competition Law, shedding light on the importance of compliance in the industry. Tune in to learn how to navigate the complex landscape of competition regulations and stay up to date with the latest trends in this field.

Episode 10: The Impact of Regulation on Marketing and Advertising in Financial Services

In this episode, host Kathy Jacobs is joined by Aidan Power, Director of Brand and Marketing at KBC Bank in Ireland, to discuss the impact of regulation on marketing and advertising in financial services. As the first point of contact for customers, advertising has become subject to more complex regulation over the years, making compliance a key concern for the industry.

Aidan shares his experience navigating these challenges, and how he works to create a differentiated offering and alternative challenger brand in banking. Tune in to learn about the complexity of regulation in marketing, and how it's driving change in the financial services industry.

Episode 9: Consumer Protection Regulation - Part 2

In the second episode of the Consumer Protection Regulation podcast with Nora Beausang, Nora talks to Kathy Jacobs about the high-level statutory protections applying to lending to consumers in Ireland under both domestic and EU rules.

Episode 8: Consumer Protection Regulation - Part 1

Protecting consumers is at the heart of the Central Bank of Ireland’s mandate. Their role is to ensure that the best interests of consumers are protected while enhancing confidence and trust in the financial system through effective regulation of financial service providers and markets. In a two-part series, we talk to Nora Beausang, solicitor and the author of ‘Consumer and SME Credit Law’ published by Bloomsbury Professional, about consumer protection issues applying to financial services business in Ireland, with a particular focus on lending (cash loans).

In the first episode, Nora addresses the role of the Central Bank as conduct regulator, the different categories of lenders (cash loans), the beneficiaries of lending-related consumer protection rules and the thorny issue of the interpretation of ‘consumer’ under those rules. The second episode will deal with the high-level statutory protections applying to lending to consumers in Ireland under both domestic and EU rules.

Episode 7: What is Lifelong Learning and why is it important?

Lifelong learning is broadly defined as the pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. Lifelong learning is about developing your full potential, and will provide you with the possibility of discovery, skills and rewards, both professionally and personally. Developing an attitude of continuous learning is one of the best ways to prosper in today's evolving world.

To understand the importance of upskilling, reskilling and continuous learning, we spoke to Evelyn Cregan, Company Secretary, Director of Executive Education in the IOB and a Lifelong Learner herself.

Episode 6: Approaching deadline for transitioning to the new EU Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs)

On 4th June 2021, the European Commission published a decision in respect of a new set of modernised standard contractual clauses ("EU SCCs") for compliance purposes with the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), taking into account the decision from the Court of Justice of the European Union ("CJEU") published on 16th July 20202 in connection with the EU-US Privacy Shield and the old standard contractual clauses ("Old SCCs") ("Schrems II Decision"). From 27th December 2022, where you rely on standard contractual clauses as a transfer mechanism, the New SCCs must be used. From this date, the original standard contractual clauses will no longer be an appropriate safeguard under Article 46 of GDPR.

In this episode of the Compliance Files, Steven Roberts, vice chair of the Compliance Institute’s Data Protection & Information Security (DP&IS) Working Group talks to Flavien Corolleur, Senior Legal Counsel/Director and Data Protection Officer at SS&C Financial Services (Ireland) Limited and a member of the DP&IS Working Group on International Data Transfers and Standard Contractual Clauses, and what is required prior to the deadline of the 27th December. Flavien provides updates on his article in the summer edition of the ICQ and practical matters to consider.

Episode 5: Data Protection

In its Strategy for 2022-2027, the Data Protection Commission set out an ambitious vision. The Strategy is arranged according to fundamental goals, underpinned by the DPC’s mission, vision and values, which collectively contribute to the delivery of its strategic priorities. The DPC has commitment to building new partnerships, providing more guidance, case studies and codes of conduct.

Steven Roberts, vice chair of the Compliance Institute’s Data Protection & Information Security Working Group talks to Graham Doyle, Deputy Commissioner and Head of Corporate Affairs, Media and Communications with the DPC about implementing the DPC’s 2022-2027 Regulatory Strategy, engaging with other Data Protection Authorities (DPAs), developments around International Data Transfers, and processing children’s data.

Key resources highlighted in the podcast:

DPC’s Regulatory Strategy 2022-2027

DPC Case Studies

The Fundamentals for a Child-Oriented Approach to Data Processing

DPO Resources

The DPC has established a Data Protection Officer Network, to facilitate the sharing of good practice and lessons-learned through peer-to-peer DPO support. To get involved with the DPC’s DPO Network please email: [email protected]

Episode 4: The Career Landscape in Compliance

If you are looking for some direction in your career, considering a change, are a recent graduate starting out or just want to see what the career landscape in compliance looks like, this podcast will be a real inspiration to you. The latest employment outlook survey from ManpowerGroup, which is based on responses from more than 400 employers across Ireland, found that employers in banking, finance, and insurance plan to expand their headcount by 32%.

In the fourth episode of the Compliance Files Robert Farrell, a member of the Compliance Institute Council, a Digital Transformation lecturer, trainer and speaker talks to Dearbhla Bayle, Head of Compliance, Corporate Banking & Markets at Bank of Ireland and Greg Rimell Financial Services Advisory Manager at Grant Thornton Ireland about their career journeys, the benefits of a compliance career, the challenges and opportunities for compliance professionals and what will the compliance function need for the future.

Episode 3: Career Management

What does Career Management mean to you? What are your Career Anchors? The third episode of the Compliance Files podcast series is on the topic of Career Management and is hosted by Robert Farrell, a member of the Compliance Institute Council, a Digital Transformation lecturer, trainer and speaker. Our guest is Eimear Barry, a psychologist, lecturer and consultant on leadership and workplace wellbeing.

The goal of career management and planning is to produce the desired results for our careers that impact our lives in a positive way. Career management allows us to prepare and maintain a degree of control over the expected outcomes and means that you are the one who decides what you want to do in your professional life. In our professional lives, career management is necessary if we are to achieve our professional and personal goals.

Eimear offers insights into why does your Career Management matter. What are your career anchors? When to start your career plan and how to build it and how to find out what motivates you in your career. Eimear also recommends what steps to take if you are feeling stuck in your career.

Episode 2 : Sustainable Finance & ESG

Sustainable Finance is quickly becoming mainstream and will fundamentally change the entire financial sector, with regulation acting as an accelerator in prioritising skills and training. In the second episode of the third season, Kathy Jacobs, former Compliance Institute President speaks to Laura Wadding, Partner in Deloitte’s Risk and Regulation team, specialising in Governance, Risk Management, Compliance and Culture, as well as Deloitte’s Sustainability Lead Partner about ESG and Sustainable Finance, what they are and how do they differ. Plus, we examine how firms can strengthen their sustainability credibility and what else the financial sector needs to do, to achieve the climate targets of 2030 and 2050.

Episode 1: Culture & Ethics

In the first episode of the third season of The Compliance Files, Kathy Jacobs, former Compliance Institute President, speaks to Dr Alan Kearns, Assistant Professor of Ethics at Dublin City University on the topic of Culture and Ethics.

The prevailing wisdom for the last number of decades has been that the objective of enterprises is the maximization of shareholder value and to make returns to shareholders. This, however, has not made for a reliable or even successful guide for behavior and decision making by boards and managers, and in the financial services context falls below the standard expected with the emergence of conduct risk.  In addition, the ESG agenda introduces extra complexity and a more ethical dimension to corporate decisions.

Dr Alan Kearns will be discussing the topics of ethics, business ethics and culture from the perspective of an academic, whose research and teaching is driven by reflecting critically on ethical issues to advance fresh thinking.


Season 2

Episode 10: Marketing & Compliance: Challenges and Key Data Protection Trends for 2022

Marketing is a key process regulated by data protection and marketers are one of the main users of personal data in any organisation. Direct marketing has been regulated in a number of guises for many years and the law and regulation has been subject to constant development and clarification. There are a range of penalties for non-compliance of marketing data protection breaches, and the potential for brand and reputational damage is significant. Kathy Jacobs, former Compliance Institute President, speaks to Steven Roberts, Head of Marketing in Griffith College, on marketing rules, challenges for marketers in the context of GDPR and regulation, and key data protection developments that compliance professionals/DPOs should look out for in 2022.

Episode 9: 20 Years of Collaboration

At the core of Compliance Institute’s mission is to educate its members to ensure they have the skills required to undertake their roles in a professional and effective manner. From the beginning, 20 years ago, the Compliance Institute’s partner in the delivery of its programme of education has been the IOB, formerly known as the Institute of Banking.  In the latest episode of the Compliance Files podcast series, Kathy Jacobs, former President of Compliance Institute speaks to Mary O’Dea, Chief Executive of IOB as part of our 20th anniversary series, on the topics of career development, education, leadership, challenges and priorities for the future.

Episode 8: Safeguarding: Origins, Challenges & Upcoming Developments

Safeguarding is the process by which regulated firms providing payment services protect customer funds.  The purpose is to ensure that funds are always ring-fenced such as in the liquidation of a firm to ensure customer funds are not co-mingled with operational funds and claims of customers will be met in priority.  Safeguarding is subject to stringent legal requirements compelling firms not just to safeguard customers funds but to ensure controls around safeguarding are robust. Kathy Jacobs, former Compliance Institute President, speaks to Alison Donnelly, Director in fscom and Russell Burke, an independent payments consultant, on the origins, challenges and upcoming developments in safeguarding.

Episode 7: The Central Bank of Ireland's Dear CEO Letter to Payments & E Money Firms

On 9th December 2021, Mary-Elizabeth Mc Munn, Director of Credit Institutions Supervision at the Central Bank of Ireland and a previous guest on the Compliance Files podcast, issued a letter to the CEOs of payments and e-money firms, setting out the Central Bank’s regulatory expectations, and requiring a Board approved attestation confirming the completion and conclusion of this assessment, to be provided to the Central Bank by 31st March 2022. 


Kathy Jacobs, former Compliance Institute President, speaks to Alison Donnelly, Director in fscom and a payments policy expert with in-depth knowledge and understanding of the payments regulatory landscape, and Russell Burke, an independent payments consultant, with a combination of extensive regulatory and strategic experience, and one of Ireland’s leading payments specialists with over forty years’ experience with the Central Bank of Ireland, the Irish Payments Services Organisation (IPSO) and Bank of Ireland.

Episode 6: 20th Anniversary Special

The Voice of the Compliance Institute - In November 2002, at a meeting in Irish Life offices in Abbey Street, over 80 compliance officers gathered and began the process that led to the establishment of the ACOI.  We are now celebrating Our 20th anniversary. In this episode of “The Voice of the Compliance Institute” series we are delighted to have one of the founding members and indeed the founding president, Niall Gallagher speaks with Compliance Institute President, Kathy Jacobs. Niall gives his insight into the founding vision, what the challenges were and his hopes for the future of the profession.

Episode 5: Refinitiv's Report

Kathy Jacobs, ACOI President, speaks with Charles Minutella, Global Head of Customer and Third-Party Risk Intelligence at Refinitiv, about Refinitiv’s report which has been recently published into the changing risk landscape. Each year Refinitiv conducts independent surveys looking at different aspects of customer and third-party risk. Their reports have looked at financial crime through its impact on companies, society and the environment. This year's report looks at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kathy and Charles discuss the findings of the report.

Global Risk and Compliance report

Episode 4: Regtech

Compliance Institute President, Kathy Jacobs, speaks with Rob Leslie,Sedicii; Rachel Woolley, Fenergo and Ben Cronin, UBO Services on the benefits of Regtech, the importance of strategy & governance. Their conversation moves to what you should look for in sourcing a Regtech provider and the deployment of a Regtech solution. We also get our guest's takes on the role of the compliance function, pitfalls of deployment and the views of the regulator.

Episode 3: GDPR

Three years post GDPR, and anyone who was involved in implementation will still remember the significant effort and resources, and also the scramble for subject matter expertise to get across the line for 28th May 2018. GDPR is for life, not just for the go-live date, and while no doubt a huge amount was achieved, the number of enforcement actions across the EU would suggest that there is much still to do to achieve strong baseline compliance with the Regulation. Kathy Jacobs, Compliance Institute President, speaks with Shane Carrick and Rosita Gioia of Grant Thornton about the benefits of conducting a GDPR health check, reviewing Data Protection compliance and the challenges someone may face when undertaking a GDPR review.

Episode 2: Vulnerable Customers

Kathy Jacobs, Compliance Institute President, speaks with Naomi Burley, CEO of the GRC Institute in Australia, on the topic of vulnerable customers. Their conversation starts with the justification and scope of the Royal Commission in Australia before moving to how a vulnerable customer is defined. Kathy and Naomi also discuss the response from the Compliance Profession to the Royal Commission, what changes Financial Institutions made and the role & responsibility of Board Members. In this episode we also get insight into how Australia dealt with their own Accountability Regime. 

Episode 1: ODCE

In the first episode of the second season, Kathy Jacobs, president of the Compliance Institute, speaks to Ian Drennan, Director of Corporate Enforcement at the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement (ODCE). Ian discusses the role and powers of the ODCE, the implications of the Hamilton Report and what lessons Board Members should learn from previous ODCE enforcement activity.

Season 1

EPISODE 16: (Individual Accountability Framework) Bill / SEAR

The Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe TD, received agreement from his Cabinet colleagues to approve the drafting of the Central Bank (Individual Accountability Framework) Bill on Tuesday 27th July 2021, the main purpose of which is to improve accountability in the financial sector. In the 4th episode in the ‘Voice of Compliance’ series, we are delighted to have James Meagher, Head of Compliance and Conduct Risk at Permanent TSB and Orla O'Connor, Chair and Partner, Finance and Financial Regulation, Arthur Cox speak to Compliance Institute President, Kathy Jacobs on the legislative and regulatory framework for Fitness and Probity, the Central Bank's Dear CEO Letters, changes to the Fitness & Probity regime given the imminent approach of the SEAR regime and what firms should do in anticipation of and preparation for SEAR.

One of the roles of the Central Bank of Ireland is to assess the suitability (i.e. fitness and probity) of individuals put forward for certain senior roles (called preapproval controlled functions or ‘PCFs’) in regulated firms. As part of their assessment, they hold one or more interviews with a PCF applicant. This Guide provides an overview of the fitness and probity interview process, what to expect on the day of the interview and what happens after an interview. 

Episode 15: Data protection certification approved under GDPR articles 42 and 43

Compliance Institute President Kathy Jacobs, speaks to Liam McKenna, partner, Mazars, about data protection certification approved under GDPR articles 42 and 43. The first data protection certification is expected to be approved this summer with EuroPrivacy the certifying body. Kathy and Liam discuss the operation of a certification regime under GDPR and also the benefits, opportunities and the obligations for data controllers.

Episode 14: Role of the DPO

The Voice of Compliance - is with Alan Moore, Data Protection Specialist at MetLife and guest host, Tom O'Connor, Compliance Institute Data Protection and Information Security Working Group Chair. Their conversation looks at the role of the DPO, how you might get into Data Protection and what you need to be effective and successful. They also discuss the elements of an effective data protection framework and DP regulatory developments and future challenges. 

Episode 13: Recovery Plan

Compliance Institute President Kathy Jacobs, speaks to John McCarthy, Deloitte, about new Regulations commenced on 19 April 2021, where (re)insurers authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland are now required to prepare pre-emptive recovery plans by 31 March next year. Their conversation covers the basics of what a recovery plan is as well as delving into the detail regarding the macro benefits, regulator's reasoning, key elements of a recovery plan and what does the future hold.

Episode 12: GDPR Enforcement Tracker

Compliance Institute President Kathy Jacobs, speaks to Fiona Savary and Rene Sandor of CMS in Munich about the GDPR Enforcement Tracker on data protection authorities' fining activities that they developed and the trends emerging from enforcement decisions and actions from the Data Protection Supervisory Authorities in Europe and as documented in the CMS GDPR Enforcement Tracker.

Episode 11: TI’s report: ‘‘Safe Haven?

Kathy Jacobs, Compliance Institute President, speaks to John Devitt, CEO, Transparency International Ireland about their recent report - Safe Haven?’ Targeting the Proceeds of Foreign Corruption in Ireland. During their conversation we hear about a number of high-profile cases involving the laundering of bribes and embezzled state assets through finds managed in Irish-based banks and insurance firms and John outlines the most important recommendations that would make the biggest impact.

Episode 10: Five ages of Compliance

We have a reversal of roles as Kathy Jacobs, Compliance Institute President, is interviewed by guest-host Kevin Adam of Broadgate Search. Kathy brings us through her career and the five ages of compliance. Kathy also gives advice to those looking to enter the compliance industry and as a hiring manager what she looks for in a potential employee. Plus, Kathy gives her perspective on the challenges facing those working in compliance in the 2020s.

Episode 9: Good Corporate Governance

Kathy Jacobs hosts a panel discussion with Lorna Smith, Alison Gibney and Karen Killalea of the Maples Group. The themes of the discussion are the principles and practices of good corporate governance for regulated firms and this week's guests give their insights on expectations from the Central Bank, inspections, HR tools & policies as well as the evolution of corporate governance as a result of the pandemic and SEAR, Diversity and Inclusion.

Episode 8: Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)

Kathy Jacobs speaks with Ann Shiels, A&L Goodbody, on what you need to know about the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). Their conversation touched on what kind entities will be affected by SFDR, greenwashing, who is responsible for enforcing compliance with SFDR, taxonomy regulation and more.

Episode 7: Consumer Protection Outlook Report

Kathy Jacobs speaks with Gráinne McEvoy, Director of Consumer Protection, Central Bank of Ireland. Their conversation included the Central Bank of Ireland’s key priorities and focus for 2021 such as strengthening their approach to protecting consumers, developing and enhancing the regulatory framework and their supervisory approaches.

Episode 6: Firm-wide AML frameworks

The Voice of Compliance - is with Stephen Hudson, Deputy Money Laundering Reporting Officer, at Permanent TSB discuss the importance of firm-wide AML frameworks, the role of the compliance professional and the role of the first line of defence in managing AML risk.

Episode 5: Conduct Risk

The Voice of Compliance - is with Kian Caulwell, Head of Conduct Risk and Compliance Advisory, KBC Bank Ireland and member of the Compliance Institute's Consumer Protection Working Group. Kian discusses some important Conduct talking points, he outlines what is conduct risk and the role of the compliance professional plus, the role of the first line of defence in managing conduct risk.

Episode 4: Data Protection Commission Annual Report

Compliance Institute President, Kathy Jacobs, speaks with MB Donnelly, Assistant Commissioner at the Irish Data Protection Commission, as Head of Communications, Regulatory Strategy, EU Projects and DPO Networks, about what it takes to put together the Data Protection Commission Annual Report and what everyone should take from it.

Episode 3: Intl Women's Day #choosetochallenge

To mark International Women’s Day, #choosetochallenge, Kathy Jacobs, President of the Compliance Institute spoke to Irish female leaders in regulation and legislation about their leadership experiences. Hear from Mary Elizabeth Munn, Director of Credit Institutions Supervision at the Central Bank of Ireland, Jennifer Dolan, Assistant Commissioner with the Data Protection Commission, the DPC’s Head of Children’s Policy, and Senator Fiona O’Loughlin, Chair of the Oireachtas Education and Skills Committee.

Episode 2: Fintech

In the second episode we hear from Joe Beashel, a partner in the Financial Institutions Group and head of the regulatory risk management and compliance team at Matheson. Joe discusses the lifecycle of a Fintech from authorisation to regulations and why Ireland is so attractive to this industry. In this episode we will also hear from Andrew Quinn, Head of FinTech and Financial Services, Professional Accountancy Training, speaks with Kathy Jacobs, Compliance Institute President, about the Compliance Institute's latest educational offering the Professional Diploma in FinTech Risk and Compliance.

Episode 1: Central Bank’s 2021 priorities

Our inaugural guest is Seána Cunningham, Director of Enforcement and Anti-Money Laundering at Central Bank of Ireland. The podcast covers a wide range of topics with Seána providing valuable insights into the Central Bank’s 2021 priorities.

If you have any ideas for a podcast or would like to feature in our Compliance Files series, email [email protected].