DP&IS Working Group

About the Data Protection & Information Security Working Group:

The primary function of the Data Protection & Information Security Working Group is to provide members of Compliance Institute with a forum for discussion on Data Protection compliance issues and an outlet to share views on various processes. The Group consists of members with practical experience of Data Protection practice and regulation in various types of firms and it focuses on providing members with the latest insights on current and pending Data Protection issues. It also seeks to identify issues which may impact on Compliance Institute members in their day to day functions and their education needs which issues will be escalated to the Technical Committee.


One of the primary purposes of Compliance Institute is to consult with regulators on behalf of members where we think our institute has constructive input to contribute. The institute maintains regular contact with the Data Protection Commission.

Data Protection & Information Security Working Group Members

  • Owen Vahey (Chair)
  • Steven Roberts - (Vice Chair)
  • John Magee
  • Mary Colhoun
  • Alan Moore
  • Laura Glynn
  • Flavien Corolleur 
  • Rory Byrne
  • Emma Cramp
  • Niall Murphy
  • Ciara Dwyer
  • Ian Duffy

DP&IS WG ICQ Articles:

Summer ICQ 2024

Title: Navigating Change in Data Protection – Challenges and Opportunities for Compliance Professionals.

To read the full article Click here.

Spring ICQ 2024

Title: GDPR Fines & Data Breach Survey: Ireland Leads Europe with Record-Breaking Fines Professionals.

To read the full article, Click here.